
The idea of Yowsup-Gateway is simplify the use of Yowsup library.To use Yowsup Gateway in a project:

from yowsup_gateway import YowsupGateway

gateway = YowsupGateway(credentials=("phone_number", "password"))

# Send text messages
result = gateway.send_messages([("to_phone_number", "text message")])
if result.is_success:
   print result.inbox, result.outbox

# Receive messages
result = gateway.receive_messages()
if result.is_sucess:
   print result.inbox, result.outbox

If you want to use encryotion or add layers between core layers and Yowsup-Gateway layer:

gateway = YowsupGateway(credentials, True, OtherLayers)

To get whatsapp password you should register first your number with yowsup-cli